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Hold one end of the resistance band in your left hand, at your left hip with the other end of the resistance band in your right hand.
Anchor one end of a resistane band on the ground (e.g. using your foot). Stand with the resistance band in your right hand, and your arm extended at your side with a slight bend in the elbow. Positio ...more
Attach a resistance band to a firm support to the left of the body.
Attach the resistance band to a firm support to the right of the body and at elbow height.
Lay face down on the floor with your hands flat and arms extended shoulder width apart, your knees and feet resting on the floor, body in one straight line from head to knees.
Stand with your feet hip width apart, approximately 2ft from the wall. Keep your arms at shoulder height and hands flat against the wall.
Lay down with your shoulders at 90° out to the side. Bend your elbows between 90-100°, with a weight in each hand. Push the arms forwards towards the ceiling and slightly toward the midline, ...more
Sit with your head and back erect and your right arm at your side. Bend your elbow between 20°-90°, with a weight in your hand. Raise the arm out to the side, keeping the bend in the elbow. ...more
Sit with your neck and back in a neutral position and your right arm out to the side. Keep your elbow and shoulder bent to 90° with a weight in your hand. Push your arm overhead and slightly tow ...more
Stand tall with your arms out to the side, slightly away from your body. Pull your shoulders up towards your ears as if trying to pull your arms into the shoulder sockets. Don’t let your head ...more
Stand facing a table top. With your left hand on the table for support, bend forward until your right arm is hanging down and you feel a stretch gentle stretch at the shoulder.
With your arm at your side, bend your elbow to 90°, and pull your arm behind you leading with the elbow. Feel the stretch in the front of the shoulder. Hold and repeat as advised by a physical th ...more
Hold a broom handle in front of you with both hands with your right hand at the end of the handle and thumb facing up towards the ceiling.Bend your elbows to 90° with your right elbow contacting t ...more
Reach your right arm behind your back until you feel a stretch in the front of the right shoulder. Keep the shoulder in a neutral position and do not let the shoulder drop down away from your ear.
This exercise can be done sitting or standing sideways to a table or surface.
This exercise can be done in a lying or sitting position.
Standing facing a wall. Use your right fingers to walk your arm up the wall until you feel a stretch at your shoulder. Keep the back straight and the head erect. Hold and repeat as advised by a physic ...more
Lay on your back with a broom handle in both hands. Use your left hand to assist the right arm as you raise the broom handle over your head. Reach overhead until you feel a stretch, then hold. Hold ...more

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